If you’re seeing this, you’re almost certainly here because you followed a link from QRZ to my blog. If it’s around the end of December 2016 or early in 2017, you’re probably here because you’re interested in the North Cooks DXPedtion.  Welcome!  Go ahead and subscribe to the RSS feed in your favorite reader (I like Feedly) or bookmark this page… then head on over the DXPedition site.

I’ll keep this blog updated with the more personal side of the trip and the DXPedition site with the specifics of the equipment, QSO rates, etc.

About E51AMF:

This DXPedition commemorates the launch of the Amateur Foundation, a non-profit supporting charitable works of amateurs on DXPeditions. The Amateur Foundation aims to increase the accessibility to information and funds for amateurs doing good things while travelling abroad.