As I’m sure is true for most hams, since I was first licensed, I’ve dreamed of huge gain at huge elevation (above ground). Imagination pushed the bounds of what’s possible… maybe a local replica of the epic Radio Arcala OH8X 160m beam? A flex mounted way up the tower with WiFi and AC power for remote access?
In November of 2014, I bought a Trylon T200-80, 80′ self supporting triangular tower from KZ1W. In May of 2015, my friend Jean (KG7NJQ) and I picked it up from Grant’s place. I added 4 more sections to it from AG7N and had illusions of gain at elevation… life took over and I’ve basically not gotten around to it. Fast forward to mid-December and I finally got around to clearing some land (pics attached). I realized I had lots of options for where to put the antenna.
I consulted with a local tower installer (also a ham) on tower placement. He mentioned that he had a line on 80′ of Rohn 55G and my gears started turning. Having a new shack and a bunch of excitement about getting back on the air, I weighed bigger badder tower (and the ability to put more aluminum in the air than my one used tri-bander – M2 KT36XA) and I decided to set the SO2R plans aside, for awhile.
I’ll get some more land cleared this weekend (roughly off to the right of the skid steer, here). UPDATES SOON!